Sunday, September 12, 2010

Annie Leibovitz (I heart her photos so much)

My favorite Photos from Annie for Disney Characters 

Julianne Moore and Michael Phelps -Little Mermaid-

Drew Barrymore - Beauty and the Beast

Other Photos 
Love this photo : The Tattoos

Love this Photo : The expression and also the idea to hug Suri inside Tom's Jacket

Love this Photo : The Idea and The Stupid Face =p

Love this Photo : Heath Ledger (one of my favorite actors) may you R.I.P =)

Love this Photo : John Lennon.
I think this photo is very special because it taken the morning on the day he was shoot and murdered
may you R.I.P John

The camera makes you forget you're there. It's not like you are hiding but you forget, you are just looking so much. –Annie Leibovitz-


  1. top banget emang ya annie leibovitz,
    diane arbus suka ga? lebih gokil lagi tuh vi

  2. randy :hey randy ! i'm glad u like my post..^^ keep on reading my blog

    putra : eh ada si putra..hehe iya gw suka bgt ma foto2 dia dr sebelum gw suka fotografi.
    Diane arbus ? -___-" huaa gw br dgr..hehe maklum msh baru. tp pas gw googling ----> tambah membuat gw yakin lo sukanya sama foto BW =)
    btw thx for reading my post yee

  3. wow nice pictures sis !
    especially the first & second .
    those are my favorite :D

  4. yeah..i really love those pictures too..
    btw sorry for the late reply on msn,,=)

  5. Me too! I searched all of Leibouvitz's work since I saw her on Oprah!Love it!


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